Evacuation from Hanoi to Houston – Redpoint Travel Protection

Evacuation from Hanoi to Houston

Evacuation from Hanoi to Houston


The Redpoint team was recently contacted by a  clients tour guide who let us know that a mutual client had been taken to hospital in Hanoi Vietnam with a fever. The client was taken to ICU and was waiting on the results of a CT scan when our team got in touch with her. Her parents were staying nearby in a hotel and Repdoint was in constant contact with them as well. It was advised that the client would remain in ICU for the next 7 days. Our team obtained the medical records and were able to assess the clients transportation needs. Follow up care had been arranged back home in Texas. Redpoint sent a member of the team to Vietnam to assist our client on their travels and provide a medical escort back to the States.

Our client was trending positively and was able to leave the ICU earlier than previously advised. We upgraded her to business class for comfort on the flight home and she was accompanied by her parents and our own team member. She arrived safely in Texas and has continued her care at home. As a Ripcord client we were able to provide and pay for her safe transport back home. Our client and her family will be opening a claim for trip interruption for the additional costs incurred and a claim for the medical expenses incurred. Get a quote for Ripcord here to ensure your safe travel home if anything goes wrong on your trip here.